Calcium: Why You Need It

Everyone knows calcium as the mineral that contributes to bone growth and health, but how much do we really know about it?

Calcium is naturally found in dairy products – such as milk and cheese, but also found in dark-green leafy vegetables, fish and dried beans and peas.

Not only that, you will find that many foods are actually calcium-fortified – such as juices, cereals and beverages like almond and soy milk.

Here are some facts about calcium that you may not have known about!

Calcium Helps with Many Body Functions

Calcium is not just for bones, but they also help to circulate blood, help with movement and also release hormones needed for your body to regulate itself.

If our bodies don’t have enough calcium, it starts to take it from our bones and actually makes them weaker!

Calcium-Rich Foods are Important

Our bodies don’t naturally produce calcium, meaning that we have to get it from our diet.

As a result, we need to make sure that we choose to eat calcium rich foods daily to ensure that we have enough calcium for our body to function.

Depending on your age and gender, adults should be getting 1,000mg – 1,200mg every day.

Vitamin D

Did you know that you need Vitamin D to absorb calcium?

To ensure that the calcium we take in is absorbed, we also have to make sure that we have enough vitamin D in our bodies.

We can get vitamin D from other foods, like salmon and egg yolks, and even foods that have vitamin D added to them.

Alternatively, we can also get vitamin D from the sun!

Yes, going out into the sun causes our skin to naturally produce vitamin D. But if you still suffer from vitamin D deficiency, supplements are always the next best thing.

Too Much Calcium?

We know that a lack of calcium can lead to bone weakening and osteoporosis.

However, is it okay to take more than the recommended amount?

The answer is no.

As with everything in life, there has to be a balance. Taking too much calcium can result in negative consequences as well – such as constipation, gas, bloating, and even increasing the risk of developing kidney stones.

On the rare occasion, hypercalcemia may occur – which is when calcium is actually deposited in the blood.

Apart from caring about our macronutrients – like our protein, fat and carbohydrate intake, we also need to be equally aware about our micronutrient intake – like minerals and vitamins.

They are essential to our functional and physical health, so it’s important to keep track what goes into your body (and what does not!).

Remember to stay safe, stay healthy and eat well!

For more advice on healthy diet and nutrition, check out the rest of our blog! We’re a women-only gym that offers kickboxing-based and gym-based classes. Get in touch with us today to find out more about what we do!

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

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To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

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Physical Fitness – What does it mean?

Weight loss.

That is the goal of almost everyone, and is one of the main reasons and motivations that many of us choose to exercise in the first place.

While weight and body composition are important indicators of health and fitness, only looking at them does not give us a complete picture.

Apart from weight loss, improving our physical fitness should be an important goal to have when doing exercise, as this will enable us to maintain our current health, and have better quality of life in the future.

Today, we will be looking at the other 4 different components of physical fitness.

Cardiorespiratory Endurance

Can Running and Other Exercise Boost Immunity? | ACTIVE

Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability of your body’s cardiovascular and respiratory system to provide oxygen to your muscles during physical activity.

It is usually characterised by long distance, repetitive exercise and does not necessarily have to be always strenuous.

Some examples of cardiorespiratory endurance exercise include running, swimming, cycling and walking.

These exercises strengthen the heart and lungs, eventually allowing them to work less for a larger output.


The 21 Best Stretching Exercises for Better Flexibility | SELF

Flexibility is the ability to perform an action at the full range of motion.

It is usually an overlooked aspect, and when not a target of focus, can lead to mobility issues and bad posture in the future.

Maintain your flexibility but moving your joints, do some stretches throughout the day and walk around any chance you get away from your desk or computer.

The main idea is to keep yourself moving – because when you don’t use it, you lose it!

Muscular Endurance

The gym gender gap: Women won't end up looking like Arnie if they lift  weights - The Irish News

Muscular endurance is the ability of the muscle to perform continuously without fatiguing.

As the word ‘endurance’ suggests, it requires longer sets (which can be translated to doing more repetitions) during resistance based exercises.

This can come in the form of bodyweight exercises or ones that require a form of weight or resistance such as a dumbbell or resistance bands.

Muscular endurance is important in being able to perform our daily activities, such as moving heavy objects and even house cleaning.

Muscular Strength

How Often Should You Do Heavy Weight Lifting Workouts? | Shape

Last but not least, we have muscular strength, which is the ability of your muscles to exert maximum force.

While we definitely don’t need the muscular strength of an olympic weightlifter, it is still important that we build or muscular strength as we start to lose it very quickly after the age of 30.

Age-related loss in muscle mass is a natural phenomena, but severe muscle atrophy (also known as sarcopenia) can occur if the aspect of muscular strength is completely ignored.

Focusing on muscular strength means doing resistance exercises, but with heavier weights and shorter reps compared to muscular endurance.

Overall, one type of exercise won’t cut it.

We have to vary our exercises in order to target different parts and aspects of physical fitness in order to truly be “fit” and healthy.

Merely looking at how flat our stomach is, or how long we can walk for does not always translate to good overall fitness.

So the next time you choose what exercise to do, remember all this and you will be on the right track to being the fitter you!

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

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The Afterburn Effect: Explained

After an intense workout, you normally feel warm even after you’ve recovered and are no longer exerting yourself.

Why does that happen?

Many refer to this as the “afterburn effect”, which is a non-scientific term that is used to describe excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).

When we exercise, our metabolic rate increases. And even after stopping this exercise, our bodies will not return to our resting state immediately and continue to burn extra calories through an elevated metabolic rate.

This extra burn of calories is thus termed the “afterburn effect”.

Resting State

Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) basically means the amount of oxygen needed for the body to return to it’s resting state.

This resting state requires the restoration of oxygen levels, the removal of lactic acid and lastly repairing muscle and restoring levels of ATP (which is essentially the energy for our muscles!).

Studies have shown that while EPOC is the highest right after exercise, it can continue even up till 38 hours!

Type of Exercise

So what kind of exercise can maximise EPOC?

Studies showed that the more intense the workout, the more oxygen is needed to take the body back to resting state.

While a longer duration of exercise does cause EPOC, duration alone does not have a significant impact on EPOC.

In fact, if the intensity level is high enough, it will cause EPOC regardless!

As a result, the most EPOC inducing exercise is actually High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

HIIT is basically short interval rounds of high intensity exercise, followed by short periods of rest for recovery. It stimulates EPOC as you actually consume more oxygen during these HIIT sessions, and thus create the need to replace this oxygen lost post-exercise.

METCON at Activezone

Here at Activezone, we have our own HIIT group class programme called METCON!

METCON stands for metabolic conditioning, and is a 30 minute HIIT class that specifically targets to increase your metabolic rate and maximise your afterburn so you can continue to burn on the go.

To learn more about our METCON classes, feel free to contact us by dropping us a text or email.

If you are looking for something else, we have many other group classes that you can check out in our infographic below!

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

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Circuit Training vs HIIT – What’s The Difference?

Is circuit training and HIIT the same thing?

Well, the answer is actually no.

Sometimes the terms circuit training and HIIT are used interchangeably, and over time the lines between the two become blurred.

Circuit Training

Circuit Training - Everything You Need to Know

Circuit training is basically doing one exercise after another for 30s to 1 minute each exercise to create one circuit. One usually does about 5 to 8 exercises for 3 to 4 circuits, depending on the individual fitness level, personal goals and the type of exercises.


What the heck is HIIT?

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on the other hand, is more about the intensity of the workout. As the name suggests, the exercise interval is high-intensity followed by a recovery period before continuing the intervals until the end of the whole set.

Exercises used in HIIT are generally cardio-based, but any other type of high intensity exercise works too.

The recovery period is crucial to ensure that you can really push during that short burst of exercise.

How are they similar?

Circuit training and HIIT are often confused because in a way, HIIT can actually be considered as a form of circuit training.

HIIT utilises the circuit system in the design of the intervals. One can still do varying exercises one after another in a circuit manner, but instead of longer exercise intervals or a set number of reps, HIIT uses short exercise intervals and a higher intensity.

Because of this, some use the terms interchangeably thinking that it is actually the same thing but that is not true.

So how are they different?

Other than the obvious difference mentioned above – there are other differences that separate the two forms of exercise.

Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption

Studies have shown that HIIT workouts actually burn more calories compared to steady but lower intensity workouts such as circuit training.

The alternating intense intervals of exercise is effective in burning calories which is better for those who wish to lose weight.

This is because HIIT generally results in higher post-exercise oxygen consumption, also known as “afterburn”, which means that your body will continue to burn calories long after the exercise is done.

Type of Fitness

Due to the nature of HIIT, HIIT usually results in improved cardiovascular fitness or endurance. On the other hand, for circuit training you can be more specific in the type of fitness benefits depending on the type of exercises, the number if reps and the intensity.

Circuit training can help to build cardiovascular fitness, but it can also build strength, agility and even flexibility.


Active Circuit Training System (ACTS)

Circuit training does not necessarily make it HIIT, but HIIT is a type of circuit training that is characterised by more cardio-based exercises and high intensity exercise intervals with short recovery intervals.

While they may be similar, it does not mean they are the same. So the next time you hear someone say HIIT when they mean circuit training, do be sure to correct them!

Here at Activezone, we have our own circuit training group class called Active Circuit Training Systems (ACTS) focused on both strength and cardio exercises!

We also have other group classes to check out if circuit training is not for you.

Availability of classes depends on the current Covid-19 measures and are subject to changes. To know more, do drop us a message and contact us for more information.

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

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Hydration Tips During Your Workout

Hydration is extremely important in ensuring that your body temperature is regulated, to keep your joints lubricated, deliver nutrients to keep organs functioning and much more.

Being hydrated will also result in improved sleep quality, cognition and better moods.

Many know that the recommended amount of water we are to drink daily is roughly 11 cups of water a day for women and 16 cups for men.

But when we exercise, especially if outside and the weather is hot, we lose a lot of our water through sweat and transpiration.

Hydration can be tough if you are in the middle of exercise, so what can we do to make sure that we are properly hydrated throughout?

Before and After

Summer Hydration Tips For Runners

While it is ideal to drink during exercise, we have to ensure that if we are not able to to drink before and after exercise.

Drinking before ensures that we have enough fluid in our bodies to last throughout our workout, and drinking after replenishes all the water that was lost in the process.

There is no excuse to not drink enough during exercise!

Drink Cold Water

Cold Water: Your Beauty Asset - Big Red Lipstick

Maybe it is not the best idea to drink cold water when down with the flu or right before bed. But cold water during exercise is actually a good thing!

Drinking cold water actually helps to reduce our body’s core temperature during exercise. This is especially helpful because when we exercise, the body’s temperature rises and more water is lost through sweat. So by reducing the core temperature, you also reduce water loss and help hydrate your body better.

Not only that, your body actually works extra hard to warm the cold water so you actually burn a few extra calories! Not to mention, sometimes cold water just tastes better.

Sports / Isotonic Drinks

The Science Of Sport Drinks – What Sport Drinks Should You Buy? |  JustRunLah!

Isotonic drinks like 100 Plus or Pocari Sweat are good alternatives for hydrating during exercise especially if you prefer something with more flavour compared to plain water.

Isotonic drinks can help to replace carbohydrates and electrolytes that are burned off from exercise and lost through sweat. If electrolytes are not replaced, sodium in your blood could potentially drop to dangerously low levels.

However, do be careful that taking isotonic drinks is only recommended if you exercise for more than an hour as they have similar content to normal sugary drinks!

Drink Throughout the Day

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Nothing beats constant and consistent hydration throughout the day. Drinking water frequently reduces the risk of dehydration in general, and is important especially for someone that exercises daily.

Aim to drink at least a cup of water every hour if you have trouble remember to hydrate, and soon enough you will start to build the healthy habit of hydration!

Remember to carry a water bottle with you at all times to encourage yourself to drink more.

Stay safe and healthy – drink up!

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

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Kickboxing – Just a Sport?

Hearing the word kickboxing – one might start associating it with a boxing ring, gruelling punches and gravity-defying kicks.

Yes, kickboxing is an elite sport that many train for years to compete on an international stage with glamorous fights and television coverage. But that does not mean kickboxing is only for trained athletes.

Just like any sport, kickboxing can be trained and competed in, but can also be participated in by the general public for fitness.

Do I Need to Know Good Technique?

Kickboxing Women – Active Red

Good technique is essential in performing a movement or an action well, but that does not mean you need to be talented or skilled in order to do kickboxing.

Our Active Kickboxing Fitness class is – as the name suggests – primarily for fitness purposes, meaning that having perfect technique is not the most important thing.

However, good technique is important when performing repeated movements in order to train the correct muscles, improve mobility and coordination, and also to prevent any injury that can occur if an action is done poorly.

That being said, if you are new to kickboxing and is something that you want to try out, our introductory kickboxing class (required before you sign up for any kickboxing classes) will help you get started with the correct techniques and kickboxing jargon that will help you keep up with the fitness classes!

Do I Need to Like the Sport?

Kickboxing is one of the many forms of martial arts practiced globally, however it is being used here as a form of fitness and exercise.

All you need is the want to switch to a healthier and fitter lifestyle, no knowledge of the sport is required!

If you are new to the sport, we will guide you and bring you up to speed, and hopefully as you attend more classes grow to like it, and maybe even love it!

It is something different from normal exercise classes, and brings variety to your physical exercise needs.

If you already love kickboxing, what is stopping you now?

Active Zone is a female-only gym that specialises in kickboxing and physical fitness!

Check out all our group classes in our infographic below. Not only do we have kickboxing classes, we have gym circuit and metabolic conditioning classes as well.

Do contact us for more information and follow us on social media to learn more 🙂

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

“Like” Active Zone Facebook Page

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How Often Should I Do Strength Training?

Strength training exercises are actually vital to our health. But knowing when and how often to train can be confusing whether you’re just starting out or are trying to advance.

To reap the benefits without risking injury or excessive fatigue, it’s essential to find a balance between enough lifting to see results, and enough rest for proper recovery.

Thus, it is important to know your own body limits as well as the benefits you can attain by sticking to a consistent strength training plan.

Women only Active Circuit Training Class at Active Zone

How often you should strength training as a beginner?

When starting out with strength training, you should focus on doing full-body workouts consisting of the main compound lifts. This requires at least one day off in-between workouts, meaning you should only be lifting 2-3 times per week.

If you are working with weights, it is important to make sure that you are using the right amount. For muscle definition, choose a weight that has you fatigued by the end of six to 12 repetitions. This may take some trial and error. Keeping track of the weights you used will help you know what to choose for your next training session. Once you can do 12 repetitions with the same weight, it’s time to progress to a heavier load.

Always have good practice, meaning to keep a log of your workouts, including how you felt during the workout and how you feel on your days off. A record like this will help provide valuable insights into how you are recovering and whether you should adjust your training.

Women only Active Circuit Training Class at Active Zone

How often you should strength train to advance?

As you advance, training frequency becomes a matter of individual preference and training styles. Maintaining the two-to-three-days-a-week regimen is acceptable for most people. It’s a matter of listening to your body and testing to see what works best for you while using a log of your workouts, of course.

Advanced lifters should continue to perform the same compound lifts that they started out doing while increasing the number of sets, reps, or resistance. To challenge themselves, advanced lifters can add on some more complex exercises to their routines if desired.

How to know how much is too much strength training?

Sticking to the recommended two to three lifting sessions per week should help you avoid overtraining but it is also important to always listen to your body.

Some guidelines for knowing how much is too much are:

  • If you are consistently showing up to workouts sore and tired.
  • You’re experiencing strength plateaus in your lifts for more than one week in a row, especially in your first six months. 
  • On your “off-days” you are too exhausted, lethargic, or run-down to the point it is getting in the way of your day-to-day life.

If this sounds like you, back off the intensity, duration, or frequency of your workout session, and remember to listen to your body and take a break when necessary.

Women only Metabolic Conditioning Class at Active Zone

Here at Active Zone, we offer classes such as Active Kickboxing, Active Circuit Training (ACTS), Metabolic Conditioning (METCON) and Active Kickboxing Bootcamp with certified trainers to help with your workout. Our trainers will be more than delighted to recommend you routines and ensure that your exercises are carried out safely and efficiently.

Do take a look at our other group classes too!

Name:    Active Zone by Active Red

Phone:    8363 5661

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

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How Long Will It Take To See Results From Kickboxing?

Kickboxing is a stand-up combat sport derived from a combination of boxing, Muay Thai, and Karate. In a kickboxing class, fighting fundamentals are combined and set to music to create an exiting cardiovascular and strength workout. Despite kickboxing not being a new concept, it has been growing in popularity with models and celebrities.

Victoria’s Secret Angels Martha Hunt (left) and Elsa Hosk (right) take to the ring in the new VSX apparel

What goes on during Kickboxing classes?

Kickboxing is known as a HIIT-type of sport (high intensity interval training). You will not only have your sparring between partners, but also pads training and all kinds of bodyweight exercises that are done with little to no rest in between them. Exercises such as squats, crunches, burpees, mountain climbers, and many more are included during the class itself.

What should first-timers take note of?

The most important element when practicing kickboxing is to ensure to have proper form. It is recommended to always follow properly the instruction on movement by the certified trainers. As Kickboxing causes you to extend your arms and legs in a lot of the movement, it is very easy to overextend and cause strain to your body. Thus, you would want to make sure that you are hitting the bags or pads with the correct part of your hands and legs to avoid injuries.

Moreover, because the classes are cardio-based, they can move pretty quickly, so try not to overexert yourself and go at your own pace. If you find that you are out of breath during a class, you can either slow down your punches and kicks, or give yourself a 30-second to 1-minute break.

Women only Kickboxing gym
Women only Active Kickboxing Fitness Class at Active Zone

How soon will you see results?

If you are going to class at least three days per week and are eating a relatively clean diet, then you can expect to start seeing results within three weeks since these workouts are highly effective at burning fat and toning the muscles. However, it is also depending on your weight, metabolic rate and the intensity of the workout. During a class, you can expect to burn between 400-800 calories in an hour-long class.

And most importantly, don’t feel intimidated. Although a background in fitness can be helpful when starting kickboxing, it is definitely not something that’s needed. At Active Zone, We have women of all shapes and sizes in each of our classes. The key is to go at your own pace and listen to your body. If you eat well and be disciplined with the sport, you will lose weight and become much stronger incredibly fast.

Women only Kickboxing gym
Women only Active Kickboxing Fitness Class at Active Zone

About Us-Active Zone:

Located at the heart of City Hall/Bugis.

All female gym in Singapore. Our women only Active Kickboxing Fitness Class that taught by our highly qualified and experienced instructors. Moreover, we have programmes to suit a wide range of needs and interests, from juniors and teenagers to adults, senior citizens and even athlete who looking to improve their fitness.

Women only Kickboxing gym Active Zone
Women only Active Kickboxing Fitness Class at Active Zone

In just 45 minutes, we can get you sweating buckets. It’s easy and quick, so what are you waiting for, contact us to book your slot now!

Also, you can check out some of our other group classes if you’re looking for something else (or both!)

Check them out now

Feel free to ask us for a non-obligatory tour of our facilities!



For more information on our group classes, contact us at:

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

“Like” Active Zone Facebook Page

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“Like” Active Life Center Facebook Page

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Is Circuit Training Good For Beginners?

Circuit training is a workout that consists of 8-10 different exercises, usually referred to as stations. You perform each station for a certain amount of time (or for a specific number of reps), before moving right on to the next one. Since the format includes limited rest in between movements and rounds, circuit workouts move quickly, which means they can be done in 20 minutes or less if you use your time effectively.

Why is it an easier option for beginners?

If you are short on time or you want something a little more interesting in your workouts, circuit training would maximize your training that combines both Cardio and Strength Training in the same workout, making it a great choice as you will not get bored easily! Moreover, you can create your own circuit that is right for you, even if you are just starting out.

Benefits of Circuit Training

1. Get maximum results in minimum time

If you are trying to live a healthy lifestyle with a busy schedule, a circuit workout is an efficient way to carry out both strength training and cardio session all at once. Studies and research have shown that with a 15 or 30 minute circuit training, you can not only build muscle mass, but also burn calories and spike your metabolism to help with fat and weight loss, overall getting in better shape.

2. Challenging the whole body

Ever found yourself just wandering around the gym floor and winging your workout? Circuit training incorporates individual “stations” as part of a whole-body circuit, you are guaranteed to hit every major-and minor-muscle group. circuit workouts typically work your entire body through compound exercises, so no extra effort is needed to hit all of the different muscle groups. It is recommended to alternate between lower-body, upper-body, and core moves to give each muscle group a solid rest after each exercise.

3. Beating Gym Boredom

Are you someone that tends to get bored of the same workout programs week in and week out? Circuit training would definitely be a great choice as it is such a flexible format! The options in how you organize your workout are limitless. You are free to choose to stick to one routine for a while to measure your progress or mix it up every time you go to the gym. During circuit workouts, you are changing up the action every 30 seconds to a minute so it is nearly impossible to get bored.

4. Do them anytime, anywhere

Circuit training is the perfect workout for the time-crunched fitness fiend and you can do it with zero equipment too! You can do them at the gym with equipment and machines, or do them at home, literally any place just by incorporating only bodyweight exercises. Plus, if time is tight, do just one round; otherwise, do as many as you like for a higher intensity level workout. The choices are endless! And because of that, you can do circuit workouts multiple times a week by just switching up the stations.

Active Zone offers Active Circuit Training System (ACTS) classes which are 45 minutes long and will pack a punch! Our specialized circuit training class utilizes both body weight and equipment, making sure that you will break a sweat! Our classes are for women only, and we welcome all fitness levels!

About Us- Active Zone

We Located at the heart of City Hall/Bugis.

Also, you can check out some of our other group classes if you’re looking for something else (or both!)

Check them out now!

Feel free to ask us for a non-obligatory tour of our facilities!



For more information on our group classes, contact us at:

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Phone:    8363 5661

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

“Like” Active Zone Facebook Page

“Like” Active Red Facebook Page

“Like” Active Life Center Facebook Page

“Like” WAKO Kickboxing Singapore Facebook Page

How to Motivate Yourself when Stuck at Home?

To be kept safe from the Covid’19 pandemic and to stop the spread, most are complying with the government’s Circuit Breaker measures and staying home.

Home is a place to rest and recharge, to spend time with family and to escape from the stresses of our busy work lives. But what happens when you’re now forced to be productive in an environment meant for the exact opposite?

Here’s some things you can do to keep yourself motivated and productive when working from home:

Make a to-do-list for the Day

By setting a clear list of things you want to accomplish in a day will make you more motivated to check everything off that list by the end of day. This keeps you on track and focused on your tasks rather than going through the motions and realising at the end of the day how unproductive you were.

This not only applies for your work-related things, but can also be for things you wish to do with your families or friends – for example planning a movie night!

Give yourself some Breaks

Being productive does not mean trying to be focused during your full 9-5 work hours. Sometimes to focus better, you need to take sufficient breaks in between. When you start to lose focus and your progress slows/ the quality of your work deteriorates, maybe it’s a sign to take a short breather.

It has been found that taking breaks are essential to your physical and emotional health as they prevent exhaustion and fatigue. While you may overlook it when working from home due to feeling as though you are not being as productive as before in your usual work environment. However, it is just as, or even more important to do so at home so you don’t burn out!

Some things you can do is make yourself a snack and a nice cup of coffee, do a short workout or even do a bit of housekeeping!

Play some Music

While is is definitely something you were not able to do at your usual workplace, you can definitely do so at home!

Without your colleagues to fulfil your social interaction quota for the day, there are other things to feed your soul – music.

Scientifically, music stimulates the connection between auditory neurons and motor neurons which would explain why we always find it easier to workout with music blasting in our ears. Well this applies to work as well and stimulates your brain for better productivity.

In addition, music relieves stress and relaxes the mind and body. These act as natural remedies to our exhausted brains.


Well, our new online classes can combine all 3!

Our schedule has all our online classes listed for the rest of the circuit breaker period to help you make your daily work schedule planning easier:

Take a break with our 30min online classes! We have:

  1. A.B.T (Abs, Butt , Thighs)
    A.B.T is a target training class that focuses on the legs and butt! ABT utilises the largest muscles in the body to burn calories and get your entire body in amazing shape!
  2. Active Bandz
    A full body conditioning class that uses resistance bands to sculpt and tone the arms, legs, glutes and core. No muscle goes untouched.
  3. Active IMPACT
    A High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) focusing on fitness movements, functional movements and bodyweight exercises to keep get your entire body working and perspiring! Each week we will be focusing on different muscle groups 🙂
  4. Active KNOCKOUT!
    A 30mins HIIT Kickboxing and bodyweight workout that will surely break a sweat! It also tones your shoulders, upper back and well as toning up those legs!

Our online classes are real time videos with both explanations of the exercises and high energy exhilarating music to keep your motivation high when tackling our workouts head on!

What are you waiting for? Check out our website to sign up for your online classes now!



For more information on our group classes, contact us at:

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Phone:    8363 5661

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

03 Official WAKO Singapore Logo - Lionhead (V2.1) PNG

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

“Like” Active Zone Facebook Page

“Like” Active Red Facebook Page

“Like” Active Life Center Facebook Page

“Like” WAKO Kickboxing Singapore Facebook Page