Kick Your Fitness Routine into High Gear: “Why a Total Body Kickboxing Class is the Perfect Workout for Women!”

If you’re a woman looking for an effective workout that targets all areas of your body, kickboxing may be just what you need. A total body workout with kickboxing not only improves your physical fitness, but it also offers a range of benefits that can positively impact your mental health and overall well-being. Here are a few reasons why a total body workout with kickboxing is the best option for women:

  1. Burns Calories and Boosts Metabolism: Kickboxing is an intense workout that can help you burn calories quickly. It’s a high-intensity workout that engages your whole body, so you’ll be burning fat and building muscle at the same time. This helps to boost your metabolism, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight over time.
  1. Builds Strength and Endurance: Kickboxing is a full-body workout that engages your muscles in different ways. It strengthens your core, legs, arms, and shoulders, and helps to improve your endurance. This makes it a great option for women who want to build strength and endurance, but don’t necessarily want to bulk up.
  2. Reduces Stress and Boosts Mood: Kickboxing can also be a great way to reduce stress and boost your mood. It’s a high-energy workout that can help you release pent-up tension and frustration. Additionally, the release of endorphins during exercise can help to improve your mood and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
  3. Improves Coordination and Balance: Kickboxing requires you to use your whole body in a coordinated manner, which can help to improve your coordination and balance over time. This can be particularly beneficial for women at higher risk for falls as they age.

In summary, a total body workout with kickboxing is a fantastic option for women looking to improve their physical fitness, mental health, and overall well-being. So why not give it a try and see the benefits for yourself?

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Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

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To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

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Knock Out Stress and Boost Confidence: How Kickboxing Can Empower Women?

Kickboxing is a dynamic and challenging martial art that has been gaining popularity among women in recent years. Not only is it an effective workout that can help improve physical health, but it also has several mental health benefits that can make a significant difference in women’s lives.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the mental health benefits of kickboxing for women and why it can effectively promote overall well-being.

  1. Stress Relief

One of the primary mental health benefits of kickboxing is its ability to help relieve stress. The physical exertion of kickboxing can help release endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals in the brain. This can help reduce stress and anxiety, and leave you feeling more relaxed and energized.

Additionally, kickboxing provides a healthy outlet for stress and frustration. Punching and kicking can help release tension and aggression in a safe and controlled environment.

  1. Increased Confidence

Kickboxing is a challenging sport that requires focus, determination, and perseverance. As women progress in their training, they can develop a sense of accomplishment and confidence in their abilities. This can translate to other areas of their lives, such as work or personal relationships, and help them feel more self-assured and capable.

  1. Improved Mental Health

Studies have shown that regular exercise can have a positive impact on mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Kickboxing, in particular, is a high-intensity workout that can help release pent-up emotions and provide a sense of accomplishment.

In addition to the physical benefits, the mental focus required during kickboxing training can also help women feel more centred and present at the moment. This can improve overall mental clarity and focus, making it easier to manage day-to-day tasks and responsibilities.

  1. Community Support

Kickboxing is often done in a group setting, which can provide a sense of community and support. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals who share similar goals can help women feel motivated and encouraged to continue their training.

Furthermore, the camaraderie that comes with kickboxing classes can help combat feelings of isolation or loneliness, which can contribute to poor mental health.


Kickboxing is a challenging and dynamic martial art that can provide numerous mental health benefits for women. From stress relief to improved confidence and mental clarity, kickboxing can help women feel more empowered and in control of their lives.

If you’re looking for a fun and challenging way to improve your mental health, consider giving kickboxing a try. With the support of a community of like-minded individuals, you may be surprised at how much you can achieve both physically and mentally.

“Knock Out Boredom: Why Freestyle Kickboxing is the Perfect Activity for Kids”

Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to keep your kids active and healthy?

Look no further than freestyle kickboxing!

Freestyle kickboxing is a high-energy sport that combines elements of karate, boxing, and various martial arts into one thrilling activity. Not only is it a great way to improve your child’s physical fitness, but it also teaches important values such as discipline, respect, and perseverance.

Through freestyle kickboxing, kids will learn valuable self-defence skills and gain confidence in their ability to protect themselves. They’ll also develop their coordination, balance, and agility, which can carry over to other areas of their life, such as sports and academic performance.

But perhaps most importantly, freestyle kickboxing is just plain fun! Your child will have a blast learning new moves, practising drills, and sparring with other students. Plus, they’ll make new friends and build a sense of community with their fellow classmates.

So what are you waiting for? Sign your child up for a freestyle kickboxing class today and watch them thrive both physically and mentally. Your kid will thank you for it!

If you are curious to know more about our program, feel free to drop us a message at or on WhatsApp at 83635661.

“Why Women Love Non-Combative Kickboxing: The All-Female Workout You Need to Try”

Kickboxing has long been associated with high-intensity workouts and combat sports, but did you know that it can also be a great way to get fit and relieve stress without actually engaging in any combative training?

That’s right, non-combative kickboxing is a popular form of exercise that’s perfect for women who want to challenge themselves physically and mentally in a supportive, all-female environment at Active Zone.

What is non-combative kickboxing?

Non-combative kickboxing is a form of fitness training that incorporates kickboxing techniques and movements without any actual combat or sparring. Instead, participants focus on developing their strength, flexibility, endurance, and agility through a variety of exercises and drills, such as shadowboxing, pad work, bag work, and cardio circuits.

Why is non-combative kickboxing great for women?

There are many reasons why non-combative kickboxing is a great choice for women who want to improve their fitness and well-being:

  1. It’s a full-body workout: Non-combative kickboxing involves a lot of kicking and punching, which means you’ll be using your arms, legs, core, and back muscles in a high-intensity, low-impact workout that burns a lot of calories.
  2. It’s empowering: Learning new kickboxing techniques and mastering them over time can be a huge confidence booster for women, helping them feel more self-assured and capable both in and out of the gym.
  3. It’s stress-relieving: The repetitive, rhythmic movements of non-combative kickboxing can be a great way to release tension and stress, as well as improve focus and concentration.
  4. It’s social: Non-combative kickboxing classes are often held in supportive, all-female environments, which can be a great way to meet new people, make friends, and build a sense of community around fitness.
  5. It’s customizable: Non-combative kickboxing classes can be adapted to suit any fitness level, from beginners to advanced athletes, so women of all abilities can benefit from the workout.

How to get started with non-combative kickboxing

If you’re interested in trying non-combative kickboxing, the first step is to drop us an email at Active Zone ( which offers classes specifically for women.

When you attend your first class, wear comfortable workout clothes and bring a water bottle and a towel. Don’t worry if you’re a complete beginner – the instructor will guide you through the workout and help you learn the basics.


Non-combative kickboxing is a fun, empowering, and effective way for women to improve their fitness, build confidence, and relieve stress.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, there’s a non-combative kickboxing class that’s right for you, so why not give it a try and see how it can benefit your health and well-being?

Here at Active Zone, we are here to help you with your fitness needs and goals, whether it is through personal training or group classes.

Want to know more about it? Feel free to contact us and check out our social media pages for more details!

We wish you a fruitful year ahead and look forward to seeing you in the new year!

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

“Like” Active Zone Facebook Page

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Maintaining your Exercise During the Holidays

Chinese New Year is the time to visit relatives and have reunion dinners, catch up on some rest at home, and most importantly – snack on some chinese new year goodies!

It is no secret that these addictive snacks are high in sugar and calories, and more often than not we see the numbers on the scale increasing throughout the holiday period.

It can be demoralising, seeing your hard work be so quickly undone. So here are some tips to not only help you get back in shape, but also how you can bounce back both physically and mentally!

Track your nutrition

You don’t have to forgo the goodies if you don’t want to, but it is important to know what goes into your body.

While it can be an obsessive habit if you are not careful, keeping track of the amount of macronutrients during this period if important to know how much you are consuming and how long it may take for you to lose it again, such that you don’t face disappointment if you feel as though you are not making any progress.

For example, did you know the hotpot staple ring roll is a 100kcal per roll? That’s about 10min of jogging to burn off!

When we better understand what goes into our bodies, we can better manage and even control ourselves while still being able to enjoy the holidays!

Continue your exercise routine

The holidays aren’t the time to stop exercising, in fact, it should give you even more time and opportunity to do so! Sticking to your routine is important, because once broken, can be significantly more difficult to come back,

Additionally, if you have been consistent with your workout routine, you can even choose to supplement it with morning walks with your family and friends, or even a trip to your home or community centre gym for a light session.

The holidays is a good time to bond with your loved ones not just through gatherings and parties, but through exercise as well!

Change your mindset

We associate holidays with rest. Rest from work, from other responsibilities and catch up on much needed sleep. But falling too deep into this mindset can cause us to crash. Having too much sleep, or doing nothing all day can actually make us feel even more tired than when we are running on our 100%. Research has shown that a significant change in typical sleep patterns can disrupt the body’s rhythm and increase daytime fatigue.

While yes, exercise is tiring, ironically it helps us feel more awake and refreshed for the day. Exercise increases our endorphin levels, which are hormones that contribute to a boost in your mood. Not only that, but exercise can help to improve your sleep, which leads to better recovery and rest.

With all this being said, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the CNY goodies during this period. However, it is important to know that there are always things you can do to balance your lifestyle. After all, a balanced lifestyle is a healthy one!

At Active Zone, we help our clients achieve the very best version of themselves, no matter which time of the year it is, or what background you come from.

To know more about us, check out our group classes or contact us directly using our details below!

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

“Like” Active Zone Facebook Page

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New year new me?

It is the time when we will all start seeing posts with the captions “new year new me” and the long lists of new years resolutions flooding your timelines.

“I want to lose weight” or “I want to be more disciplined” or “I aim to be more fit this year”.

While it is definitely good practice to set these goals for yourself, how many of them do we really meet?

Thankfully, you don’t have to do it all alone, because we are here to help you!

Personal Training

One way that you can keep up with your new year’s resolutions is to engage in personal training!

What better way for you to meet your fitness goals than with a personal trainer to help you?


Personal training has tons of benefits, such as having a professional guide you in exactly what kind of exercise you need in order to achieve your fitness goals.

There are lots of different kinds – such as aerobic, anaerobic, strength, endurance, plyometrics or a mixture of all!

Your personal trainer can give you programs that are specific to your fitness and your goals that not only save you some time, but make them all the more effective!


Having a personal trainer can keep you accountable to the goals that you set yourself.

When it starts to get busy at work and commitments start to pile up, it can be very easy to decide to cut back on the exercise that you need.

Having a personal trainer can help to keep you on track and encourage you to manage your time such that you are able to stick to the plan that you made at the beginning of the year.

Active Zone

We are a female-only gym that offers a wide rage of different classes ranging from kickboxing to strength training.

Here at Active Zone, we are here to help you with your fitness needs and goals, whether it is through personal training or group classes.

Want to know more about it? Feel free to contact us and check out our social media pages for more details!

We wish you a fruitful year ahead and look forward to seeing you in the new year!

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

“Like” Active Zone Facebook Page

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The Benefits of Circuit Training

Circuit training is one of the most common types of training methods because it is efficient, time saving and extremely versatile to plan according to the main goal of the session.

It consists of many different stations of exercises and equipment, and after a few sets of one, you will move on to the next one.

So what are the other benefits of circuit training that make it such a popular workout method?

Boosts Metabolism

Your body will be able to burn fat more, and at a faster rate post exercise. In fact, studies have shown that your body can continue to burn calories for up to 48 hours post workout! Additionally, by clocking in a simple 20 minute Circuit Training workout, your body is able to burn more calories compared to running for the same duration listed above. Talk about efficiency!

Circuit training also promotes muscle growth, which boosts your body composition and increases your metabolic rate

Builds Muscular Endurance

Resistance based exercises such as exercises with kettle bells, gym machines, dumbbells, medicine balls and barbells help in building muscular strength AND endurance at the same time. Due to the repetitive nature of Circuit Training exercises, your muscles will be made to work for a longer period of time, which conditions your body better as well, thereby increasing your muscular stamina.

As you progress, you can slowly increase the intensity by increasing the weights that you use!


Last but not least, Circuit Training Exercises can help to speed up your weight loss journey. The longer and more intense the circuit, the more energy you expend, which burns the carbs and fats stored in your body. If you are feeling particularly tired that day, you can choose to go lighter or fewer reps. Because of the versatility, you can easily accommodate the level of workout you need in a single circuit training session to suit your fitness level and your personal needs.

So, if you’re someone looking for a good and varied workout all in one, why not consider trying out our Active Circuit Training System group class!

Come sign up by contacting us via the details listed down below!

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

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Prevent Injuries with Kickboxing!

Injury prevention is a simple concept, and in all injury prevention research, the most common and practical method is to strengthen our body structures.

What does that mean?

Injuries can come in all kinds of forms, whether it be a fracture, ligament strain, sprain, tears, tendon ruptures and many more. This normally occurs from some type of physical trauma like a fall from losing balance, an unnatural twisting of a limb, or just chronic pain from typing away at the desk for too long.

With that said, how can kickboxing help?

Strengthen Bones

Kickboxing is considered a high impact sport, which means that force is applied to your limbs when you punch or kick something.

This force is good because it encourages our bones to repair itself from the minute damage caused by this impact, and become even stronger than before.

Having stronger bones can reduce the chances of a bone injury when we accidentally knock against something or fall down.

Having a greater bone density also protects us from degenerative bone diseases such as osteoporosis and osteopenia which generally affects more women than men.

Coordination and Reflexes

Kickboxing also trains your motor skills and reflexes which improves our reaction time and teaches our body to protect itself better when we lose balance or accidentally get bumped by someone else. For example, when the train jerks, we can react quickly to steady ourselves such that we do not fall over.

In addition, kickboxing trains your core and back muscles which aid in stability and balance, which further prevents the need to catch ourselves to begin with.

Having good motor skills is great for carrying out daily tasks such as carrying groceries or moving furniture around the house without straining our bodies and injuring ourselves.

Join us at Active Zone!

Here at Active Zone, our flag ship Active Kickboxing Fitness class is just what you are looking for!

We aim to use kickboxing to improve not just your fitness, but your everyday health and wellbeing.

Interested in trying it out? Feel free to reach out to us using our contact details below. We hope to hear from you!

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

“Like” Active Zone Facebook Page

“Like” Active Red Facebook Page

“Like” Active Life Center Facebook Page

“Like” WAKO Kickboxing Singapore Facebook Page

Walking vs Running – Which is Better?

Walking and running has it’s own pros and cons. Both are good forms of exercise that are beneficial to anyone. However, it is important to consider what your own personal goals are, and your own individual circumstances.

Burning Fat vs Burning Carbohydrate

If your aim is to burn fat, walking is actually better! Walking uses fat as it’s natural energy source, while running burns your carbohydrate stores for energy instead. However, it is important to note that running does burn more calories overall, due to it being a more demanding movement, and may be greater at overall weight loss. That being said, walking can achieve the same, if not greater weight loss effect if done for a longer period of time and consistently.

Cardiovascular Fitness

If your aim is to improve your cardiorespiratory fitness and endurance, then running may be the better option of you. The way we improve our cardiorespiratory system is to push it. As running is a more demanding exercise, our muscles demand more oxygenated blood to be delivered and thus requires the heart to work harder to pump the blood in order to sustain the movement.

If you’re training for a competitive sports event, or maybe a marathon run, then running is definitely something you should do. However, if you just aim to maintain your cardiorespiratory fitness, or are just starting out in your fitness journey, brisk walking is a good way to slowly improve or maintain your fitness without accidentally pushing too hard.

Strengthen Joints

To strengthen our joints, they need impact and resistance. When we run, both are legs are off the ground, so when we land, there is greater impact and force on our ankles and knees. As a result, it helps to strengthen our bones and joints.

However, too much is never good. Overexerting and running for too long periods can cause injuries to the bone and joints, and cause stress fractures such as shin splints or degeneration. As such, those with weaker joints can do walking which has minimal impact and still reap the benefits.


For those with tight and packed schedules, running may be the better option for you. We can typically complete a few kilometers in 30 minutes when we run, which may take walking a few hours. However, those with more time to spare, or if you plan to exercise during the weekends, walking is a good and safe alternative. Walking can even double up as a bonding activity with friends and family, and explore a new area.

So, the final verdict is… it depends on you!

We each have our own individual needs and circumstances that we must know and understand what type of exercise would suit us.

We hope that this has given you a better understanding of what type of exercise you should do for yourself! If you’d like to chat with us, feel free to contact us using our details below:

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

“Like” Active Zone Facebook Page

“Like” Active Red Facebook Page

“Like” Active Life Center Facebook Page

“Like” WAKO Kickboxing Singapore Facebook Page

Personal Training vs Group Class

There are so many choices out there right now, ranging from open gym memberships, all different types of group fitness classes such as HIIT, conditioning, functional circuit training, and even personal training.

It’s important to know what you should consider when deciding one what type of classes to go for – because once it’s paid for, it’d be a waste to not use it.

Here at Active Zone, we offer both group classes and personal training. To help you decide, here are some things that you should consider when deciding which type of classes you prefer and is better suited to your schedule!

1. Time Availability

Flexible Work Schedule: The Pros & Cons Every Employer Should Know

If you’re always working late or the nature of your job takes you away from home during “after work hours”, personal training may be a better option for you.

Personal training is more flexible, and depends on both your and your trainer’s schedule. If lunch time is the only time you are available, it can be arranged!

Group classes on the other hand have to accommodate your classmates as well, who may have more regular working hours. But if you have similar hours, then group classes may be great for you as well.

2. Adding Variety

You can have a lot more variety in your training or exercise programs when you engage in personal training.

For personal training, you are not confined to what is planned for that day or the nature of the group class, you can choose to do strength training, kickboxing or even a hybrid if that is what you are looking for!

Adding variety to your workouts is easy when you can communicate directly with your personal trainer, who can personally recommend you the best workout to suit your needs.

However, if you are content with the same type of classes every week just to get your weekly exercise fix, then group classes may be for you!

3. Personal Training Goals

Having a personal trainer can help you personally keep track of your progress so that you don’t have to.

Personal trainers are there to provide an individualised plan for you in order to achieve your goals at a quicker and more effective pace. As professionals, they can be very specific in what kind of training is perfect for you!While it is more expensive, we can assure you that it is definitely worth it.

If you think personal training is for you, you’re in luck because Active Zone has got it! Active Zone offers both kickboxing and gym personal training that is open to all women at any fitness level. If not, then we also have a variety of group classes that are bound to suit what you are looking for.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about what we do!

Name:    Active Zone by Active Red

Online Store:

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

Book your introductory workshop at Active Schedules

To be a Certified Active Kickboxing Fitness Trainer, click on WAKO logo below:

Remember to follow us on Facebook at:

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