When it comes to Circuit Training, it seems like something experienced or advanced people do, but that isn’t the case at all! Circuit Training can be done by anyone! Regardless of your fitness level.

The key is to find the right level of intensity and difficulty that is matches to your current/starting ability. With that, here are some Circuit Training exercise recommendations for those who are starting out and are getting into Circuit Training.

1. Body Weight Exercises

When you are just starting out, it is ideal and advised that you start off with exercises that only rely on your body’s own mass. This is because you have to first, master the right forms and techniques before moving on to use other equipment like weights and machines that will require a strong basics foundation.

Without a solid foundation in the right forms, you can easily injure yourself in the process. Some body weight exercises include: Squats, Push-ups, Planks and Jumping Jacks.

2. Lesser Sets Or Lesser Repetitions

In comparison to an experienced person, beginners might not have the same ability to carry out the same frequencies of the same exercises. Thus, it is suggested that you begin with lesser sets or repetitions to prevent yourself from entering the “fatigue” phase too soon.

Lesser sets would mean keep to a maximum of 3 sets per circuit, where you have to do 10 repetitions with a 20 seconds rest between each set.

While, lesser repetitions or reps, would refer to keeping to a number 5, where you will need to do the same exercise 5 times in 1 set.

3. Keep Your Stations To A Maximum Of 6

Since you are just embarking on your Circuit Training Journey, it is best that you start off with the least number of exercise stations. So as to not over tire your body at once, ensuring that it still has sufficient fuel left to power you through the other circuits.

This will help in reducing the risk of self injuries too, as it is a common problem for people to perform the exercises with incorrect or poor technique/form. Thereby causing them to hurt themselves in the midst or after their Circuits.


An alternative for beginners is them to take classes instead, especially when they are just starting. Signing up for classes, ensures that the person will be guided and taught by a professional which minimises the potential risk of injury. Not to mention, the trainer will know how to customise the classes according to your fitness level or experience, to better cater to your needs and goals.

Which is why, I am suggesting the Active Circuit Training Systems’ Class, here at Active Zone, an All Female Gym! Where we have friendly and professional trainers that have many years of experience under their belts.

To register or clarify any questions, just contact us via WhatsApp or Email mentioned in the infographic below.

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red
Email:     ActiveZoneSG@gmail.com

Online Store: www.activelife-shop.weebly.com

To find out more about Active Red, read about us here.

To choose an Active Kickboxing Programme, read about our different Kickboxing Programmes here.

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