The most common fitness goal amongst the ladies is none other than weight loss. I’m sure many of us have tried to workout towards that goal in mind. So here is why you should give Metabolic Conditioning in short METCON a try!

What is METCON?

Metabolic Conditioning describes short bouts of higher-intensity training which combines strength and cardio conditioning, as well as both anaerobic and aerobic exercises. It is designed to increase metabolic demand and increase energy usage. Conditioning refers to building muscles as well as increasing fitness while Metabolic refers to how a MetCon workout will affect your metabolism.

How does METCON work?

Typically a MetCon session follows a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) format with short period of intense exercise with fixed breaks in between these exercises. The goal of a MetCon session is to achieve and sustain high effort output over a short period of time, with little rest as possible between the exercises to make your body fitter.

Why MetCon?

Metcon workout has been shown to increase VO2 max – the maximum amount of oxygen your body can consume during exercise by a huge number. There is also this “after-burn” effect known as Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. To explain it simply, after we have completed the MetCon session, our body uses up more energy than steady-state to return the body to its resting state. Thus, there’s a lot more calorie burning involved even in post-MetCon session to replenish depleted energy stories, etc, allowing us to burn more fats

Convinced to take up MetCon now, but don’t know where to start? Well, Active Zone got you covered! We are a female-only gym that provides MetCon classes, Active Kickboxing Fitness classes and more. All ladies at any fitness level are welcomed here, so what are you waiting for? Join us today and achieve your fitness goals! Visit our social media pages for more details on the classes we provide. Hope to see you here!

Name:     Active Zone by Active Red

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